Monday, November 17, 2008

Overdue post... Life, love and happiness

Ok so finally after a near month of not writing I’ve decided to write. I’ve gone to write several times and for one reason or another, don’t.

Life has been insane the last few weeks and doesn’t show much sign of slowing down in the near future. I’ve been in the works of getting my CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). After working all day, I’ve been at class Monday-Friday (except one class I missed and have to make up.) from5:00 pm – 10:00 pm. Finally, I am done with the night classes. I have my make up class this week in the morning. This last weekend I had my first clinical (I go help a certified CNA and get practice at a resting home). I have two more to do and then I can get my papers to test (after hours of studying). This upcoming weekend I am taking a phlebotomy (drawing blood) class to help me get a job at a hospital. Then, my next clinical is on Sunday, and again the following weekend. I’m looking forward to my next clinical. I had fun on Saturday. It was an enlightening experience. Even as sad as some of it was, I knew I was making a difference. Even though some of the people won’t remember me I know that from the smiles they gave whether it was a mechanical mind responses or genuine, for that one instant, something inside of them sparked. I saw myself in a different way. I am a compassionate, loving, gentle, kind, caring person. I’ve always known I am but I have a hard time expressing that to people whom I see on a daily/weekly basis. I am excited to start this journey. Regardless of which medical position I choose as my profession, I’ll be great at it.

As far as my life outside of my career exploration. Hmmm. What has been going on?

I waxed Jessica’s legs. That was an experience all in itself, a hilarious one I might add. I don’t think I have any desire to ever do that. I’m sure she’ll enjoy me sharing that experience. I wish I had had a video and a camera so I could post her screaming (only a few times). I’m sure Jordan appreciated the waxy smoothed legs.

I'm going to be working some extra hours at the mall for my current job now. I'll be at a kiosk. Yay, i can hardly wait (I'm really not looking forward to it but the extra cash will be nice).