Friday, October 31, 2008

This is what happens when I am bored at work. I make stuff with My Memories Suite. Click on it and you'll be able to see it even better. I could write about more interesting things I suppose. Today is Halloween... that's exciting. I am going as a Girl Scout. True to the name i went to the store to get my sash and badges. HAHA. So fun. I love seeing the kids in their costumes. My sisters made their daughter(s) pioneer girl costumes. Crazy! Jamie also made Corbin a Ghost Buster costume. lol. I can't wait to see him in it. I can just hear him saying "whoya gonna call! Ghost Busters!" *nanananannan nanana nanan na na* Speaking of ghosts. On the radio this morning they were having people call in who have ghosts around them. Eek! I don't like ghosts. I hate aliens even more. My sister was letting her girls watch SIGNS last night. Is she crazy?!?! Oh man, I hate that show. There has been a couple times I have gone to go to bed (I sleep with the TV on) and SIGNS will be on. I make a little shrill and dash for the remote. I didn't believe in the whole ghost thing until we had one at our house. Yes, seriously we did. The basement was a creepy place to be. You always felt like someone was watching you. You'd go upstairs and could feel the hairs on your neck stand up. You'd glance back...nothing was there. Ask Shawn about it. He may cry and run away though it I imagine was a pretty horrific experience. There were a couple things that happened to him but the big one was, one night, he was home alone the rest of us were at dinner, I get this call "Are you guys coming home soon. I've pissed off the ghost and he's attacking me." I laughed, thought it was pretty funny. He was serious. I guess he got home and looked down the stairs by the garage and saw this hazy form of a body. He was smart and started yelling (My ass would have been out of the house in 2 seconds flat, screaming, crying) at it telling it to F**k off, blah blah and then all of a sudden he felt this immense pressure on his chest like someone pushing him. It kept going on. He kept saying "you need to come home now." So we called my sister Jennifer who lived 5 minutes away. When we got home they were sitting outside the house with Shawn facing the house. He wouldn't turn his back on the house and wanted Jennifer to see behind him. We got there not too long after Jen did, maybe 15 minutes and he was still shaken up. It was crazy. Me and Dustin went in the house (i was terrified but Dustin was cracking me up on the way home about it so i went in with him). We didn't have anything happen to us. Would have been kind of cool if it did (even though the whole idea freaks me, I'd at least have a story). When my parents got home my dad said some blessing and we haven't really had problems since. There are other confirmations there was a ghost but I've sworn to secrecy. Ok, so maybe I'll tell you in person but not on here, she'd murder me. Let's just say.... it was a perverted ghost. Nice... we attract the voyeur ghosts. I guess that's what we get for sneaking in the basement to have sex and make out. LOL now i live down there. I haven't had any problems though.

1 comment:

CrzyJess said...

The Juback kids are whores huh? Hahaha...loved the ghost story. I'm going to find some awesome way to creep you out with a ghost encounter. MUHAHAHA...I'm planning it now....